Masih tentang sang pendatang baru, Setelah empat hari mempelajari dan mengikuti perkembangan sosmed ini, akhirnya saya mendapatkan juga recehan pertama saya sebesar $0.01. Dan semoga saja ini menjadi umpan pancingan untuk dollar-dollar lainnya.
Berikut sebuah pernyataan dari Al King, seorang pengguna tentang persamaan, perbedaan dan kelebihan si pendatang baru ini.
"seriously; it's almost like, #twitter meets #facebook meeets #youtube - but they are sharing the #lionsshare - 90% of those ad revenues with us; 50% (of what you generate) goes to you. The person that shared it with you gets 33.3% (of what you generate); - the person that referred your 'parent' - aka your grandparent; earns 11.1% (of what you generate) - your great-grandparent; earns 3.7% (of what you generate)
That is pretty awesome; it sounds like an mlm; but really it's what mlm's tell people all the time in their presentations; that Most people do network marketing (mlm) every day; they just never get paid for it;
This is exactly how Facebook grew; everybody was on Myspace. Then suddenly people stopped checking their Myspace; because everyone had gone to Facebook; and after a while; people were laughing about how they never even check their Myspace anymore; and it was true - so that explains some of the Jokes; the Memes, about us Migrating to TSU; it's that same feeling of hopping on something better; and laughing at ourselves for ever posting 'For Free' - making Billions for others; when this Ad Revenue could have been shared with us all alone; but wasn't.
Believe it or not; many people left FB for G+ and never came back to FB; tons of people stopped using FB for Twitter; I know a bunch of people on IG now who have forgotten all about FB;
Everyone jokes about it on their too for a time; and then people just get down to doing what people do on social networks; sharing stuff they like; photos, videos, articles, - sharing their views; thoughts, ideas; with people they already know and love; while looking for people with similar interests; to connect with; to build relationships; with the right people -
-- that being said; I'm so excited about what's going to happen when this platform starts to take off; Don't be upset with people still on facebook; who, as I mentioned all got on facebook "because" of someone else; Someone told them about it; and that person was told about it by someone else (like the grand-parent) - and today; as we know; Facebook has eared over $8 billion in 2014; not including what they're going to do at the completion of the 4th Quarter; And they are sharing 0% with us.
0% ---- #letthatsinkin --- but again; to those in the #tsunation; do not be upset with those who are not on here 'yet' - we still have 'features' to add; we still have updates and improvements that are coming; we've got a few bugs and kinks to work out; we've seen the followMe crew dwindle down; slower than we wanted I'm sure; but we see them going bye bye; day by day; we see upgrades and improvements; probably not as 'fast' as we want; but we see them day by day; Those of us who are here now; need to recognize who we are; we are the leaders; We go in First; We test stuff out; We break stuff so it can be fixed; improved; and that's why people follow us; (without us asking for a follow .... (tsu joke) ---)
Because the ultimate truth is; as fun as TSU is; it'd be even more fun; with all those folks on Facebook; whom we've grown to know and love; and with our family and friends who love us; You're all invited to join us; and see what this is all about ;)"
untuk artinya, bisa di googling saja. sebab saya juga tidak begitu mahir dalam berbahasa asing :D
semoga bermanfaat.
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Minggu, 16 November 2014
Senin, 10 November 2014
Recehan gratis dari MedSos baru (
Dollar gratis dari sosial media baru
Untuk mendapatkan pembagian keuntungan dari Tsu cukup mudah, hanya dengan update status, upload foto, berkomentar maupun mengundang teman untuk ikut menggunakan Tsu. Sebenarnya setiap apapun yang Anda lakukan pada media sosial manapun merupakan sebuah konten yang bernilai, yang menarik para pemasang iklan maupun sponsor pada media sosial, namun keuntungan dari konten milik Anda tersebut tidak diberikan kepada Anda sama sekali, Anda hanya disuruh update status sebanyak-banyaknya, upload foto narsis tanpa bayaran, jadi komentator pada status teman tanpa keuntungan apapun, padahal semua itu adalah konten berharga bagi perusahaan Social Network. Namun di sosial media baru bernama Tsu ini mereka memberikan 90% nilai konten berharga tersebut kepada Anda kembali.
Cukup dulu untuk membahas keuntungannya.
Bagaimana cara daftar ke Tsu?
Pendaftaran atau registrasi pada tsu sedikit berbeda dari media sosial lainnya, Anda harus mendapat undangan atau invite untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari Tsu.
Langsung ke langkah-langkahnya:
- Kunjungi website lalu klik How to join atau scroll sampai bawah!
- Masukkan kata Ahkam
- Klik Sign up !
- Masukkan data-data Anda seperti saat daftar Facebook dan lainnya!
Untuk pengguna smartphone anda ada dapat mendownload aplikasinya dar google play market
- Kunci utamanya adalah konten, semakin banyak konten yang anda buat semakin banyak keuntungan yang didapatkan. Cara membuat konten cukup mudah, cukup update status, upload foto, berbagi/share website atau apapun seperti pada media sosial Facebook, Twitter dan lainnya.
- Berikutnya adalah teman, semakin banyak teman berarti semakin banyak orang yang melihat konten kita. Semakin banyak yang like/suka akan meningkatkan nilai konten kita. Cari teman sebanyak-banyaknya, ajak teman untuk ikut menggunakan Tsu.
- Terakhir adalah undang teman Anda sebanyak-banyaknya melalui shortcut Anda. Ini hanya untuk menambah jumlah kawan/teman pada family tree Tsu.

Terlepas dari beragam keuntungannya. Ada yang perlu diingat, situs Tsu adalah Sosial Media tempat bersosialisasi, berbagi dan bersenang-senang namun menghasilkan, bukan tempat kerja atau bisnis. Jangan terjebak informasi yang menyampaikan tentang cara kerja tsu maupun cara bisnis tsu.
Untuk tips dan trik Tsū dalam Bahasa Indonesia, tunggu update kami berikutnya!!! Semoga informasi dan panduan ini bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Indonesia.
Selamat ber-riang gembira chatting sampbil mengumpulkan pundi pundi dollar
sumber : (11/11-2014)
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